TSM Studio makes it very easy to view the data from multiple TSM Servers in one dataview. The first step to make this happen is to create a Group.
Use the following steps to create a group
Right Click in the TSM Server Navigation Window to bring up the context menu
Select Add Group from the Menu
Enter a Name for the Group
Enter a Description (optional)
Go to the TSM Servers Tab and select the TSM Servers for this group
The group will now have the same structure as the any of the individual servers and each time you open a dataview under a group, all the data for all the TSM Servers in that group will be seen
Select Add Group from the TSM Navigation Window context Menu
Enter the Group Details and then Move to the TSM Servers Tab
Select the Servers to part of this Group
Expand the Groups Folder-> the newly created group to expose the available Dataview’s, Choose a dataview for example we have chosen the Storage Pools Dataview which will show all storage pool information for all TSM Servers in this group
Posted in: TSM Studio