This Redpaper describes how to back up and restore two different versions of WebSphere Application Server using Tivoli Storage Management products.
WebSphere Application Server Version 3.5 and Version 4.0 are considered separately. WebSphere Application Server V3.5 can be backed up using Tivoli Data Protection for WebSphere Application Server. WebSphere Application Server V4.0 can be backed up using the Tivoli Storage Manager backup/archive client.
The Redpaper presents an overview of WebSphere Application Server V3.5 and Tivoli Storage Management products, then shows you how to install, configure and run Tivoli Data Protection for WebSphere Application Server. For WebSphere Application Server V4.0, a script is created which will perform a backup of the administrative database and data files using operating system utilities and the Tivoli Storage Manager Backup/Archive client.
We assume a basic knowledge of WebSphere Application Server and Tivoli Storage Management. product set.